I don’t want to make resolutions – I don’t know many persons who have ever accomplished their New Years resolutions. But Goals to me sounds like a better set up. I have been heard many times over the years that that if you write down your goals – even if you never see the paper again – you have a better chance of accomplishing those items. So here are my GOALS for 2012.
- Menu Planning: I want to plan two weeks out at a time – the first week a real plan – the second week a tentative plan – the revise it the next week – that way I don’t feel like we are having the same thing each week – and we can watch sales papers for two weeks for any items we might need. This will also help us keep up with what is in the freezer and the pantry so (hopefully) less food waste. (pinterest helps with this - so many new ideas out there - find me at pinterest)
photo from http://www.denvermetromoms.com |
- Couponing: I want to focus and learn how to do this better. First step is organizing what I have. DH has a baseball card book w dividers that he has offered me – I just have to take the cards out neatly and put them away some where. So I will do that tonight and start organizing the clipped coupons I have. The one issue I have with this was when I first tried I printed a lot and killed a black ink cartridge really fast (IMO). I don’t want that added expense of ink often. So I need to be smarter about what I print.
- New York City: I want to take DD1 and DH to NYC for a day. We could either take the train or a bus trip (I know Conway still does them). I want them to each see Serendipity III, Dylan’s Candy Shop, FAO Schwartz, and the American Girl Store (I haven’t been here either). While there I would hope to see a couple friends too at the same time. Really we could do it in one day. I don’t think I could stay away from DD2 for an over night. I would have a panic attach being away that long. So overnight is not really in my imagination right now.
- Be healthier: I don’t want to say lose weight, I don’t want to say eat more veggies, etc… no narrow goals b/c I will fail. But to get healthier so I can run more with the girls, feel better about myself, and maybe fit into some of my skinner clothes would be great. (all of those narrow ideas fit into this category).
- Blog or Write More: When I was in college I journaled a LOT. They are so funny (and awkward) to read now – over ten years later… but it helped me process life at that moment. And will become humorous reading for DD1 & 2 when they get older. I want to do that again. Since the girls arrived I haven’t focused on writing at all. I need to document their milestones, their adventures, along with my thoughts and amazement along the way. So whether it is posting here, writing in one of the many half started journals in this house, or even just on a note card and placed in their memory boxes I will write more to the girls.
- Use the US Postal Service for more than just bills. So many people only receive bills, magazines, and junk mail in their PO boxes… I miss the fun and excitement when I would reach in the box and find a card or letter addressed to me from a friend or relative (especially my Great Aunt Hope who passed away last year at the age of 103. Her letters always told me some kind of family history no matter what the topic of the letter.) I know email is quicker, facebook reaches everyone with one post, and twitter allows you to sum your whole thought into 140 characters or less and you are done. But don’t you miss the feel of paper, the way you always dislike your handwriting but know it is just yours and no one else writes like that, the horrible taste of envelopes (really why hasn’t anyone made better tasting glue for those things), and the excitement of finding an unexpected letter in your mailbox? I plan to take the time to hand write a note, a letter, a hello to friends and family close by and far away. I hope you will take the time – even it if it just once a month to write a letter – send a card – or even send one of your kids drawings off to a friend or relative… they will love receiving it as much as you will enjoy sending it. And if you don't have someone to write to - feel free to send something to us, we will write back.
What are your resolutions or goals for 2012? Good luck - I hope you can commit and succeed. Let me know by snail mail (ha ha ha) how you are doing and I will write you back with my updates. That way we can at least help me accomplish one of my goals :)
- Laura
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